نخر الأسنان prevention of dental caries

Prevention of dental caries  and your tooth from pain is important and easier than dental treatment whatever little cost or facilitates its ways.

prevention from dental caries

So it is important to follow these instructions for prevention of dental caries:

 decrease of sweets

Eating too much sweets, sugar, tea, and coffee with sugar, soft drinks, and chocolate leads to increased dental caries because all of these contain large amounts of sugar, so you must decrease the administration of food contains the sugar and pay attention for your children do not eat sweets to protect their teeth.

 Brushing at least twice daily

You must brush your teeth immediately after eating of sweets and for your children it’s better to start brushing at time of deciduous teeth eruption, learn and follow them for brushing their teeth

 Using dental floss

It’s better to us dental floss for cleaning among your teeth.

Fluoride material

Fluoride is important for prevention from dental caries, so adding it to water or putting directly on teeth can protect your teeth.
There fore advice giving to dental centers to put fluoride on children teeth twice a year, but attention must be give to avoid taking fluoride more than required limit –This is found in the south Jordan water – and may lead to fluorosis (Stains ranging from yellow to dark brown) also taking large amount of fluoride leading to toxicity, so it mists be away from children.

 Avoid bottle feeding

Continuous bottle feeding lead to cover baby teeth with layers and this lead to early tooth caries, so It’s preferable to avoid taking bottle feeding to your children but if it is got, the mother should clean her baby teeth after each feeding with moisture clean cloth.
European Dental Center; best dental clinic in Jordan provide this information about Advises for prevention of dental caries.

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