زراعة الأسنان الفورية Can a dental implant be placed at the same visit as the teeth are extracted?

I must have some teeth extracted and I intend to have implants placed to restore my ability to chew. Can a dental implant be placed at the same visit as the teeth are extracted?

Can a dental implant be placed at the same visit as the teeth are extracted?

The placement of the dental implant immediately after extraction depends on the amount of available bone in the area. And whether there is an active infection present or not.

Placing the implant at the same visit preserves both width and height of bone and may prevent the need for bone grafts when bone naturally shrinks back after teeth extraction. Up to 40% of jawbone width can be lost during the first year after teeth removal. Sometimes, infection from a tooth. Or periodontal disease has destroyed the bone to such an extent that it becomes necessary to do a bone grafting procedure prior to implant placement. Placing the implant at the same visit as the teeth extraction can save at least three months in healing time compared to waiting for the extraction site to heal before placing the implants. Before placing the implant. We use a photo activation disinfection system called PAD device. Which has the ability to kill 99.9% of bacteria inside the oral cavity.

Do implants require special care?

we always hear this question just follow our instructions and forget the fear
Presume that dental implants are natural teeth and treat them that way. Return for regular check-ups. Brushing and using dental floss. Realize also, that caring for the gums is the best way to care for one’s teeth. More teeth are lost as a result of gum disease than any other single cause.

European Dental Center; best dental clinic in Jordan provide this information about Can a dental implant be placed at the same visit as the teeth are extracted?.

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