
Dentist offer Smoking Cessation; We are sure that you are already aware about the side effects of Cigarette smoking on your body such as lung cancer, stroke, heart attack and even death But did you know that but cigarette smoking takes a enormous toll on your oral Health. oral health consequences oral health consequences we see in patients who smoke: Bad breath. Tooth discoloration. Increased tooth and bone loss. Increased risk of periodontal disease. Lower success rate of dental implants. Delayed healing processes. Why does a Dentist offer Smoking Cessation? Smoking can interfere with the success of dental procedures you have done in our office as well as limit the options we are able to provide you. Smoking has a direct effect on gum and implant healing, reduce surgical prognosis and is responsible for oral cancers. In order to give you the . best results, we will do our best to assist you in smoking cessation Don’t Give up !!! Studies have shown nicotine to be more addictive than heroin, so its safe to say quitting will be one of the most difficult times in your life, but is well worth it! The good news is no matter how many times someone’s tried to quit before, this time could be different. European Dental Center; best dental clinic in Jordan provide this information about Dentist offer Smoking Cessation.