If you are nervous about an upcoming dental procedure, So Nitrous Oxide can relieve your dental fears Nitrous oxide (N20) is commonly called “laughing gas”, a colorless gas with a pleasant taste and odor. It relieves pain and anxiety during dental procedures, it would keep patients pain-free during dental procedures and surgery Nitrous oxide does not put you to sleep. You can still respond to your dentist’s requests and answer questions. Your speech may be slightly slurred, and your responses may be slower than usual. In general, you will be relaxed and cooperative. You will know when you are receiving an injection, and you may even feel it. But you probably won’t care. Your breathing and heartbeat will still be normal. Nitrous Oxide is perhaps the safest sedative in dentistry. Its can relieve patients’ fear so as to help them relax during their visit. And to receive dental treatment in a comfortable and safe manner also it is safe for children who visit the pediatric dentist and may be overly nervous or anxious about their scheduled treatments. Nitrous oxide (N20) is commonly called “laughing gas.” A colorless gas with a pleasant taste and odor .It relieves pain and anxiety during dental procedures European Dental Center; best dental clinic in Jordan provide this information about Are you nervous about an upcoming dental procedure?

Deep Cleaning or Regular Cleaning? Many patients make their appointments for a “cleaning” and don’t know that there are different types of dental cleanings. There are 4 types of dental cleanings: Prophylaxis “regular cleaning”. “Gross debridement”. “Deep Cleaning” or Scaling and root planning. Periodontal maintenance. Deep Cleaning or Regular Cleaning? The dentist must determine the type of cleaning needed after conducting a complete dental examination that includes x-rays. It is important that the patient knows the indications for the type of cleaning recommended by the dentist. Prophylaxis: Dental prophylaxis includes scaling and polishing procedures to remove coronal plaque, calculus and stains. Some patients may require more than one appointment or one extended appointment to complete a prophylaxis. Prophylaxis is done every 6 months. Full mouth debridement: It’s a type of cleaning performed to enable comprehensive periodontal evaluation and diagnosis. The removal of subgingival and/or supragingival plaque and calculus that obstructs the ability to perform an oral evaluation. This is a preliminary procedure and does not preclude the need for other procedures. A re-evaluation is necessary after a month to determine of the patient may need deep cleanings or just regular cleanings. “Deep Cleaning“ or periodontal scaling and root planning, per quadrant.  This procedure involves instrumentation of the crown and root surfaces of the teeth to remove plaque and calculus from these surfaces. Patients with periodontal disease (active bone loss) require cleaning, which is therapeutic rather than prophylactic. Periodontal maintenance procedures (following deep cleanings). This procedure is for patients who have completed periodontal treatment and includes removal of the bacterial flora form crevicular and pocket areas, scaling and polishing of the teeth, and a review of the patient’s plaque control efficiency. Periodontal maintenance procedures is recommended every 3-4 months. European Dental Center; best dental clinic in Jordan provide this information about Deep Cleaning or Regular Cleaning?.