solution to treat teeth grinding

“Millions of adults and children are affected by grinding”. And ask about solution to treat teeth grinding.

Occasional teeth grinding does not usually cause harm, but when teeth grinding occurs on a regular basis it can lead to teeth hypersensitivity, cracked enamel, and teeth wear. If chronic teeth grinding occurs this can result in a fracturing, loosening of restoration and crown, or loss of teeth. The chronic grinding may wear teeth down to stumps.

Some of the signs and symptoms that usually accompany teeth grinding are headache, jaw joint pain, muscle fatigue, and TMJ dysfunction.

solution to treat teeth grinding

Patients who grind their teeth can really cause loud noise during sleeping, sometimes detected by a partner or a parent. This noise can be surprisingly loud and unpleasant, and can wake a sleeping partner. Although stress and anxiety can cause teeth grinding, it remains one of the most common sleep disorders.
Then for all these problems mentioned above we use device called Aqua splint (less time consuming with simple technique)

Aqua splint is the most modern device for treating your teeth grinding, its Patented German-US-European.
It is self-adjusting, pre-fabricated splint which can be inserted immediately without preparations, impressions, or registrations. (it can deliver to patient through 10 minutes). Aqua splint is suitable for patients wearning orthodontic braces and for emergencies and teens.

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Call us now to ask for your consultation.

European Dental Center; best dental clinic in Jordan provide this information about solution to treat teeth grinding.

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