Crown Lengthening and Gummy Smile Reduction treat a gummy smile problem

Treat a gummy smile problem. A smile is said to be ‘gummy’ when a significant amount of upper gingival tissue (gum tissue) is exposed during laughing or smiling. This gives the effect of the upper teeth being too short

If a gummy smile impacts your enjoyment of life, or feel your smile to be unattractive …or feel reluctant to smile at all !!!
We always have a solution At the European Dental Center.

treat a gummy smile problem

it could just be time to do something about it

LiteMedics device

LITEMEDICS dental laser device without anesthesia use for crown lengthening, gingivectomy It is a practical and simple tool.

 treat a gummy smile problem
by LITEMEDICS dental laser device

If your condition is more difficult and you have a hyper-mobile upper lip or a skeletal discrepancy that causes an excessive amount of gum tissue to show when smiling.
We have another option for treatment called lip lowering surgery

The surgery consists of making an incision in the gum tissue and mucous membrane above the upper teeth. Removing a section of tissue, and re-attaching the upper lip in a lower position so that it covers the gum tissue. Once the upper lip has been sutured into its new position. The muscles responsible for pulling the lip high above the gum line during normal smiling will be more restricted. This results in a more pleasant looking smile with less gingival display and a reduction of the gummy smile.

European Dental Center; best dental clinic in Jordan provide this information about Treat a gummy smile problem.

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